Difference between "Create new promotion" and "Use existing promotion"

Dieu Mai

Last Update il y a 2 ans

We saw many of our customers misunderstood about these two “promotion type” above. Basically, they are a little bit different:

1. Create New Promotion: with this option, our app will automatically create a promotion through an automatically create discount API of BigCommerce

When using “Create new promotion”, the offer product is checked out with the discounted price

2. Use Existing Promotion: the promotion is taken from BigCommerce Promotion Manager, the percentage/amount that you input is just for display on the offer. With this option, if you don’t have any promotions on BigCommerce Promotion Manager, there won’t be any discount when your customer checkout the order

BUT when using “Use existing promotion” WITHOUT SETTING UP A PROMOTION ON BIGCOMMERCE, the offer product is checked out WITHOUT the discounted price

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